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Marty Stables: Schrittrunde (DE/EN)

Marty Stables meets Oliveira Stables am Samstag, 13. August 2021

Die hohe Kunst des Reitens, zelebriert von Manuel Jorge de Oliveira und Heinz Marty zusammen mit ihrem Team. Moderiert von Isabella Sonntag.

Marty Stables meets Oliveira Stables  13th August 2022High dressage ridden and celebrated by Manuel Jorge de Oliveira and Heinz Marty with team. 

Isabella Sonntag introduces all riders and horses. Just one horse’s length fits between the individual horses. This is possible because the horses are satisfied, have been worked in a correct way and trust their riders. We all, also humans, feel good and relaxed in our body when we exercise in a good way. „The Walk“ shows how important Vertical is for the horses, also psychologically. Our horses chew, they are allowed to open their mouths and to move it. It’s one of the most important things in riding. We don’t let the horses run around tired, we want to proudly become a unit with them. Riding Vertical was not invented by Manuel de Oliveira, but has existed since Xenophon.